Office and home Interior Design - Space Master Interiors Space Master Interiors FINESSE • ELEGANCE • INNOVATION AND FINANCIAL PRUDENCE
Monday 10 May 2021

Project Guidelines
To encourage smooth progress and the successful completion of a job, we recommend that all parties follow the project guidelines outlined below. This will also assist us in arriving at a fair solution in case of a dispute.


Project Information
Please provide as detailed a description of your project as possible. Remember, the more comprehensive the information, the better the result. Upload relevant photos, measured drawings, sketches or scans. You cannot add this information once a project is posted. Please don’t use the latest version of a software program when you distribute files that will be used by others. Instead, save your electronic files in a file format compatible with older yet popular software versions (e.g. AutoCAD R14 or 2000). Purge and minimize your files, pack them in a ZIP file and upload on the server. It has to be done at the time of project posting. File size is limited to 600K.

Additional Features
If additional project requirements arise that were not mentioned in the project description, please inform the Designer BEFORE the work starts. It will save time and effort.

If there are any special requirements for your project, either certain or expected, please inform the Designer.

Words of wisdom
Make an effort to understand the bidder’s idea in its entirety before you judge it. A poor presentation does not necessarily mean a worthless proposal.
Ask questions and discuss your ideas with the Designer. Keep in mind that no one can materialize an idea better than the author.

Payment Method
Method of payment should be discussed with the Designer before the job begins. To avoid complications, we suggest that you deposit money in an Escrow Account, which provides equal security for both parties, and finalize payment once the job is completed.

Know the Project
Be sure you fully understand the project before you place your bid. If you need more details, post a request for further information on the message board for that project. Clients will respond to private messages placed on the Project message board. Please ensure that you have a succinct understanding of the Client’s needs, vision and requirements before you begin working on your bid. Be sure to attach graphics, samples, renderings and perspectives to your bid to ensure a clear depiction of your ideas. Remember, "A picture is worth thousand words".

Good communication is the cornerstone of a successful project. Keep your Client informed of both good news and bad. Your Client will want to know how the project is progressing and you should be prepared to discuss opportunities, options, variations and progress with them. Projects tend to run smoothest when Clients are involved.

Your project must comply with industry standards and local codes.

Words of wisdom
We recommend using a .JPG file format with medium quality for bids supporting pictures and suggest using 72 pixels resolution with a maximum picture size of 600 pixels or less.
Keep in mind that anything displayed on another computer is beyond our control.

Payment Method
Method of payment should be discussed with your Client before the job begins. To avoid complications, we suggest that you ask the Client to put money in an Escrow Account, which provides equal security for both parties, and finalize payment once the job is completed.

Attachments: We strongly recommend you to check your files for viruses before uploading them.
Voting: Do not rate the other party before the project is completed. Ratings cannot be changed if you change your mind.

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